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Once, mountains were considered as hostile places. So far away and dangerous, they went unnoticed for the eyes of the population. Based on the essay titled El Paradís Indicible from Francesc Roma i Casanovas -PhD in human geography- the project FAMUSA thinks over the understanding we, as individuals and society, have about nature and how this affects the way we relate with it. Delimiting the space for the development of the study to a specific site, the iconic mountain of Montserrat.


According to Roma i Casanovas, “Natural environments become landscapes as people interpret them in the light of a specific model, mental image, or certain historical representation.” In that sense, the following questions are proposed:


Which model influence the way we are understanding nature surrounding us? Could underlay in the environment a different reality to the one we commonly experience?

Antiguamente, las montañas eran consideradas lugares inhóspitos. Tan lejanas y peligrosas, pasaban desapercibidas ante los ojos de la población. Basado en el ensayo titulado El Paradís Indicible de Francesc Roma i Casanovas -doctor en geografía humana- el proyecto FAMUSA reflexiona sobre el entendimiento que, como individuos y como sociedad, tenemos del entorno natural y cómo ello afecta a la manera en que nos relacionamos con él. Delimitando el espacio para el desarrollo del estudio a un lugar concreto, la icónica montaña de Montserrat.


Según Roma i Casanovas, “Los entornos naturales se convierten en paisajes a medida que la gente los interpreta a la luz de un modelo, una imagen mental o una representación histórica específica.” En este sentido:


¿A través de qué modelo entendemos la naturaleza que nos rodea?, ¿Podría subyacer en el entorno una realidad distinta a la que comúnmente experimentamos?

photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary

(1) *

photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary

(2) *

photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary

(3) *

photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary
photography, daniel martinez, religion, contemporary, sustainability, montserrat, mountain, bible, nature, art, barcelona, spain, documentary

(1)* Pedro de Burgos, Libro de la historia y milagros hechos a invocacion de Nuestra Señora de Montserrat, 1514.

(2)* F. Cavallerio, 1649. Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC).

(3)* Génesis 1:26, 1:28.

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