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The current series show a global environmental issue: the excessive amount of untreated waste due to the hyperconsumption of society. Focusing on the impact generated locally in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.


In the community of Catalonia, Spain, 55 landfills are officially running. A big amount of the waste generated by the population remain out of the recycling chain, ending up in such places, where the residues are compacted and buried under the ground. Some of them accumulate rubbish for decades, becoming as big as 70 hectares and tens of meters deep.

La siguiente serie muestra una problemática medio ambiental global: el exceso de residuos no tratados debido al hiperconsumo de la sociedad. Centrándose en el impacto visible en el ámbito local del Área Metropolitana de Barcelona.

En la comunidad de Catalunya, España, existen 55 vertederos en funcionamiento. Una gran cantidad de los desechos generados por la población permanecen fuera de la cadena de reciclaje, siendo transportados a estos lugares, donde se compactan y entierran bajo el suelo. Algunos de estos vertederos acumulan residuos durante décadas, llegando a ocupar 70 hectáreas y decenas de metros de profundidad.

sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport

Supermarket's toys section.

sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport
sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport

Found in.

Coll Cardús Landfill, 42ha - 29km from Barcelona.

sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport

Supermarket's food supplies.

sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport
sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport

Found in.

Can Canyadell Landfill, 13ha - 20km from Barcelona.

sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport

Supermarket's beverages section.

sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport
sustainability, photography, capitalism, landfill, waste, society, modern, barcelona, nature, environment, pollution, contamination, health, wellness, sport

Found in

Can Mata Landfill, 70ha - 34km from Barcelona.

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